Essential Spaces – A Vision for Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services

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Consultation has concluded. Thank you to everyone who has shared their hopes, ideas and questions, as part of the Essential Spaces plan!

Now more than ever, people are recognizing the important role public parks, trails and natural areas play in our community. These “Essential Spaces” support mental and physical health by welcoming residents to relax, have fun and stay active outdoors. Essential Spaces also contribute to a vibrant and connected community by opening doors to economic vitality.

Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services manages over 1,600 acres of parkland, 20 miles of trails, 80 developed parks, two community centers and a growing cultural program that celebrates the diversity and history of Vancouver through public art and events. Now, we need your help to create a vision for the future of these Essential Spaces.

Now is a great time to reimagine Vancouver’s Essential Spaces:

  • In less than a decade, the population of Vancouver has grown 13.32%, which is more than Clark County (12.7%) and the State of Washington (9.9%). As our population grows, so do the needs of our community!
  • Many of the park and playground structures in our park system are reaching the end of their life cycle and need to be replaced. This is a chance for all of us to dream up new designs that will make parks across the city feel like exciting destinations.

Vancouver residents were invited to get involved in this project by completing surveys on this page. Information collected from these surveys helped shape updates to the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Comprehensive Plan. The plan will set goals and identify specific projects for the city’s Essential Spaces for the next six to 10 years. It will also make those projects eligible to receive state and federal grant dollars to help fund our vision for the future.

Draft Comprehensive Plan for Review

A proposal for adoption of the City of Vancouver Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Comprehensive Plan update is open for public review. Vancouver City Council will hear a first reading of the proposed plan on Tuesday, Dec. 13 and a final reading on Tuesday, Dec. 20. Both meetings will be held remotely. Individuals must register in advance to provide public comment to City Council.

Now more than ever, people are recognizing the important role public parks, trails and natural areas play in our community. These “Essential Spaces” support mental and physical health by welcoming residents to relax, have fun and stay active outdoors. Essential Spaces also contribute to a vibrant and connected community by opening doors to economic vitality.

Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services manages over 1,600 acres of parkland, 20 miles of trails, 80 developed parks, two community centers and a growing cultural program that celebrates the diversity and history of Vancouver through public art and events. Now, we need your help to create a vision for the future of these Essential Spaces.

Now is a great time to reimagine Vancouver’s Essential Spaces:

  • In less than a decade, the population of Vancouver has grown 13.32%, which is more than Clark County (12.7%) and the State of Washington (9.9%). As our population grows, so do the needs of our community!
  • Many of the park and playground structures in our park system are reaching the end of their life cycle and need to be replaced. This is a chance for all of us to dream up new designs that will make parks across the city feel like exciting destinations.

Vancouver residents were invited to get involved in this project by completing surveys on this page. Information collected from these surveys helped shape updates to the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Comprehensive Plan. The plan will set goals and identify specific projects for the city’s Essential Spaces for the next six to 10 years. It will also make those projects eligible to receive state and federal grant dollars to help fund our vision for the future.

Draft Comprehensive Plan for Review

A proposal for adoption of the City of Vancouver Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Comprehensive Plan update is open for public review. Vancouver City Council will hear a first reading of the proposed plan on Tuesday, Dec. 13 and a final reading on Tuesday, Dec. 20. Both meetings will be held remotely. Individuals must register in advance to provide public comment to City Council.

  • This survey is now CLOSED.

    The City of Vancouver is conducting a short survey to learn more about the recreational needs of our community to update the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Comprehensive Plan. 

    The Plan update will set goals and identify specific projects for the city’s parks, recreational lands, and programs for the next 6 to 10 years. The Plan is scheduled to be completed in early 2022. 

    The survey takes about 5-6 minutes to complete and residents of all ages are encouraged to participate. 

    We understand that COVID-19 has changed the way many people use parks and trails over the past year. Community centers that were typically full of activity were closed for safety. As things begin to re-open, we ask that you think about how parks, recreation and natural areas will be part of your life moving forward as you respond to each question. We are asking for your help to plan the future.

    Thank you for participating!

    Consultation has concluded. Thank you to everyone who has shared their hopes, ideas and questions, as part of the Essential Spaces plan!

    Share City of Vancouver, Parks, Recreation & Natural Areas Plan Survey on Facebook Share City of Vancouver, Parks, Recreation & Natural Areas Plan Survey on Twitter Share City of Vancouver, Parks, Recreation & Natural Areas Plan Survey on Linkedin Email City of Vancouver, Parks, Recreation & Natural Areas Plan Survey link
  • This survey is now CLOSED.

    La ciudad de Vancouver está realizando una breve encuesta para conocer más sobre las necesidades recreativas de nuestra comunidad para actualizar el Plan Integral de Servicios de Parques, Recreación y Cultura. 

    La actualización del Plan fijará los objetivos e identificará los proyectos específicos para los parques, terrenos recreativos y programas de la ciudad para los próximos 6 a 10 años. La finalización del Plan está programada para principios de 2022. 

    Completar la encuesta toma entre 5 y 6 minutos y alentamos a los residentes de todas las edades a que participen. 

    Entendemos que el último año el COVID-19 ha cambiado la manera en que muchas personas usan los parques y senderos. Los centros comunitarios que habitualmente tenían muchas actividades estuvieron cerrados por seguridad. Ya que las cosas empiezan a reabrirse, le pedimos que mientras responde cada pregunta piense cómo cree que serán parte de su vida los parques, las áreas de recreación y las áreas naturales de aquí en adelante. Le pedimos su ayuda para planificar el futuro.

    ¡Gracias por participar!

    Consultation has concluded. Thank you to everyone who has shared their hopes, ideas and questions, as part of the Essential Spaces plan!

    Share Encuesta sobre el Plan de parques, áreas de recreación y áreas naturales de la ciudad de Vancouver on Facebook Share Encuesta sobre el Plan de parques, áreas de recreación y áreas naturales de la ciudad de Vancouver on Twitter Share Encuesta sobre el Plan de parques, áreas de recreación y áreas naturales de la ciudad de Vancouver on Linkedin Email Encuesta sobre el Plan de parques, áreas de recreación y áreas naturales de la ciudad de Vancouver link
  • This survey is now CLOSED.

    Городская администрация Ванкувера проводит небольшой опрос, чтобы узнать больше о потребностях нашего сообщества в сфере отдыха и обновить комплексный план обустройства и развития парков, мест отдыха и культурных услуг. 

    В обновленном плане будут поставлены цели и определены конкретные проекты развития и обустройства городских парков и мест отдыха, а также соответствующие программы на следующие 6-10 лет. Выполнение пунктов плана планируется завершить в начале 2022 года. 

    На заполнение опроса потребуется около 5-6 минут. К участию приглашаются жители всех возрастов. 

    Мы понимаем, что за последний год COVID-19 изменил обычный порядок посещения парков и рекреационных маршрутов многими жителями. Общественные центры, которые обычно были полны жизни, были закрыты в целях безопасности. С учетом того, что все общественные места снова начинают открываться, мы просим вас при ответе на вопросы подумать о том, насколько в ближайшем будущем парки, места отдыха и природные территории станут важной частью вашей жизни. Нам нужна ваша помощь в планировании будущего.

    Благодарим за участие!

    Consultation has concluded. Thank you to everyone who has shared their hopes, ideas and questions, as part of the Essential Spaces plan!

    Share Опрос городской администрации Ванкувера в рамках планирования обустройства парков, мест отдыха и природных территорий on Facebook Share Опрос городской администрации Ванкувера в рамках планирования обустройства парков, мест отдыха и природных территорий on Twitter Share Опрос городской администрации Ванкувера в рамках планирования обустройства парков, мест отдыха и природных территорий on Linkedin Email Опрос городской администрации Ванкувера в рамках планирования обустройства парков, мест отдыха и природных территорий link
  • This survey is now CLOSED.

    Thành Phố Vancouver đang thực hiện một cuộc khảo sát ngắn để tìm hiểu thêm về nhu cầu giải trí của cộng đồng chúng ta nhằm cập nhật Quy Hoạch Toàn Diện về Công Viên, Giải Trí & Văn Hóa. 

    Bản cập nhật Kế Hoạch này sẽ đặt mục tiêu và xác định các dự án cụ thể cho các công viên, khu đất giải trí và các chương trình của thành phố trong 6 đến 10 năm tới. Kế Hoạch dự kiến sẽ được hoàn thành vào đầu năm 2022. 

    Cuộc khảo sát sẽ mất khoảng 5-6 phút để hoàn thành và khuyến khích cư dân ở mọi lứa tuổi tham gia. 

    Chúng tôi hiểu rằng COVID-19 đã làm thay đổi cách thức nhiều người sử dụng các công viên và đường mòn trong năm qua. Các trung tâm cộng đồng trước kia thường đầy ắp các hoạt động đã được đóng cửa để đảm bảo an toàn. Khi mọi thứ bắt đầu mở cửa lại, chúng tôi đề nghị quý vị hãy suy nghĩ về cách thức các công viên, khu vực giải trí và thiên nhiên sẽ là một phần cuộc sống của quý vị từ nay về sau như thế nào trước khi trả lời từng câu hỏi. Chúng tôi đang nhờ cậy sự giúp đỡ của quý vị để lên kế hoạch cho tương lai.

    Xin cảm ơn quý vị đã tham gia!

    Consultation has concluded. Thank you to everyone who has shared their hopes, ideas and questions, as part of the Essential Spaces plan!

    Share Khảo Sát Kế Hoạch về Công Viên, Khu Vực Giải Trí & Thiên Nhiên của Thành Phố Vancouver on Facebook Share Khảo Sát Kế Hoạch về Công Viên, Khu Vực Giải Trí & Thiên Nhiên của Thành Phố Vancouver on Twitter Share Khảo Sát Kế Hoạch về Công Viên, Khu Vực Giải Trí & Thiên Nhiên của Thành Phố Vancouver on Linkedin Email Khảo Sát Kế Hoạch về Công Viên, Khu Vực Giải Trí & Thiên Nhiên của Thành Phố Vancouver link